The Greeting Ritual: Finding Comfort in Discomfort
About the Project
•In his classic The Hidden Dimension from 1966 Edward T. Halls names the four territorial human zones: the intimate, persnal, social and public.

•In Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behaviour by Desmond Morris the author explores human behaviour, including greeting ceremonies

•In The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life by Erving Goffman the author uses the imagery of the theatre in order to portray the importance of human social interaction
Sketches and Ideas
Greeting and the senses
Havermans, Sander. “Waarom Mensen Aan Hun Handen Snuffelen.” De Kennis Van Nu,

Frumin, Idan et al. “A social chemosignaling function for human handshaking” eLife,

Hélène Christelle, Munganyende. “Waarom millennials van kleur de taal van de toekomst spreken.” De Correspondent,

Pijpers, Remco. “Iliass El Hadioui: grondlegger van De Transformatieve School.” Kennisnet,

Human awkwardness
‘Dad gets a wave and a nod’: how we greet now
Eerste Hulp Bij Ongemak: gênante situaties en hoe we er mee om zouden moeten gaan
Pupil dilation as an index of preferred mutual gaze duration
How to Deal With the Eye-Contact Awkwardness of Walking Down a Long Hallway or Street Toward Someone You Barely Know

How we greet
French Kisses (When you greet a friend, how many times to you kiss?)

How to greet when you can’t touch
The best way to greet when you can’t shake hands (illustrated guide)w

Power in Greeting
How President Trump Turned Handshakes Into a High-Stakes Showdown)w
Visual Library of Greeting